Panic Disorder and Medical Marijuana
Do you have anxiety, worries, or concerns? Do these emotions appear to be ongoing and commonplace? If this describes you, you may be experiencing panic attacks. Panic Attack may be so debilitating for people with panic disorders that it interferes with their personal and professional lives.
Utilizing medical cannabis plant for medical conditions such as for panic disorders is a great way to control your symptoms without subjecting yourself to the harmful side effects of conventional medications.
Panic Attack sufferers
A panic episode is characterised by abrupt, overwhelming dread that is not rationally justified by any immediate threat. It’s terrifying to have a panic attack. You may feel as though you’re having a heart attack, losing control, or even dying when they strike.
Some people with panic disorders may misinterpret benign bodily sensations as dangerous ones, according to the findings of a recent study. Scientists may be able to improve therapies for panic disorder if they get a deeper understanding of the condition.

Some people with panic disorder don’t recognise its symptoms or refuse to accept that they have the condition. Some people are too ashamed or hesitant to talk about their symptoms with anybody, not even their closest friends and family or their doctors, for fear of ridicule or being labelled a hypochondriac.
Instead of seeking treatment, they isolate themselves from loved ones and anyone who might be able to offer support while they battle their condition alone.
In and of itself, panic episodes pose no immediate danger to your life, but they can be extremely scary and significantly diminish your standard of living. Thankfully, there are a variety of therapies that can provide relief.
Variety of Panic Attack Disorders
Four of the six main categories of panic disorders are discussed here.
Phobic people experience an abnormally high level of Panic Attack when confronted with certain stimuli. Often, the things people are most concerned about are quite harmless, yet they overreact and get paralysed by their dread.
A few instances of specific phobias are those of insects, heights, and snakes. The condition of people who suffer from phobias is sometimes exacerbated by the extreme measures they take to avoid the things they fear.

Generalised Panic Attack (GAD)
A generalised Panic Attack disorder is diagnosed when a person is too worried about situations when the actual danger is low. If you’re in this situation, you could feel perpetually frightened for no reason. Your Panic Attack is so out of the ordinary that it prevents you from relaxing or going about your regular activities.
Panic Attack Are Symptoms of Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is characterised by excessive Panic Attack and terror. Affected individuals may suffer bodily manifestations such as rapid heartbeat, vomiting, and trembling even when there is no actual risk. They are always on edge, waiting for the next surprise onslaught.
Disorder of Social Interaction
For many who suffer from social Panic Attack disorder, often known as social phobia, the worry of gaining a negative reputation is a crippling and debilitating source of distress.
Extreme shyness and a desire to avoid social situations are symptoms of social phobia, which is the fear of being ridiculed in front of others. Stage fright is a classic case of social Panic Attack.
Panic Disorder Symptoms
The following signs are indicative of panic attacks, which are intense and abrupt emotions of fear:
Tingling or numbness in the body; a feeling of being suffocated or lack of breath; hot flashes or chills; sweating; chest discomfort; shaking or trembling; rapid or hammering heartbeat; upset stomach; and a sense of detachment or unreality are all symptoms of Panic Attack.
Symptoms include: feeling weak or dizzy; worrying about going insane or losing control; and worrying about dying.
Although most panic attacks subside within ten minutes, those that are particularly severe might last for much longer. Having the symptoms of a heart attack or stroke during an attack is not uncommon. As a result, those suffering attacks frequently visit the nearest hospital’s emergency room.
Panic Attack disorders and how medical marijuana can help
The stress that many people experience today may be reduced by using medicinal cannabis, according to proponents of the drug. There is some evidence linking medical cannabis use to psychosis, although there is also countervailing evidence. Higher dosages of medical marijuana have been linked to increased Panic Attack and panic disorders.
But in little doses, it can significantly lessen tension and concern. Indica strains of medicinal marijuana are known for having high concentrations of the active component CBD, which has been shown to be useful in treating stress and Panic Attack.
Therefore, medical weed, especially when using strains high in CBD and low in THC, could be a significantly safer and more effective alternative to the more conventional medications doctors typically prescribe for panic disorder, provided the herb is dosed properly in accordance with the recommendation of a doctor.

Research on Medicinal Cannabis as a Potential Treatment for Panic Attack Disorders
Experts have conducted a study demonstrating the effectiveness of medical marijuana in treating panic disorder and the associated Panic Attack it causes.
The researchers discovered that cannabinoid receptors in the brain’s emotional core keep tabs on the flight-or-fight response and Panic Attack in mice. They state that this is the first time such receptors have been found in the amygdala of the brains of mice used in experiments.
Benefits of Medical Marijuana
There are several options for treating Panic Attack, including sedatives and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs; however, unsatisfied patients frequently seek out alternatives that are both quicker acting and have less negative side effects).
Medical marijuana is the best option for these people. Medicinal cannabis has been shown to have chemicals that, when administered in an appropriate quantity, alleviate Panic Attack at the cellular level.
Medicinal marijuana has been shown to reduce Panic Attack in many patients due to its sedative effects in animal and cell investigations, patient self-reports, and clinical trials. CBD exhibits anxiolytic-like effects and reduces Panic Attack in people with social Panic Attack disorder, according to research using both healthy volunteers and animal models.
Another study found that pre-treatment with CBD dramatically decreased anticipatory speech alert while also reducing cognitive impairment, Panic Attack, and speech performance discomfort.
CBD users with social Panic Attack reported less pain, mental fogginess, and panic when asked to take part in a simulated public speaking event.

Does Medical Marijuana Help with the Symptoms of Panic Attack Disorders?
Numerous studies have shown that medical marijuana can help alleviate the symptoms of Panic Attack in those who suffer from it. Some individuals using medical marijuana may experience Panic Attack, according to research.
Others, however, claim that using medical marijuana greatly mitigates tension and nervousness. A patient’s response to medicinal Marijuana in terms of its calming, anti-Panic Attack effects appears to be determined by their unique biochemistry.
While typical anti-Panic Attack, anti-seizure, and anti-depressant medications work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain, medicinal marijuana instead affects a molecule known as anandamide, which has been shown to have a positive effect on mood.
By interacting with the THC in medicinal marijuana, anandamide provides a sedative effect that can help those with panic disorder feel less anxious and lessen the frequency and severity of their attacks.
Medical marijuana has been demonstrated to alleviate not just the Panic Attack and tension associated with panic disorder, but also the nausea that frequently precedes or follows an episode.
Cannabidiol, sometimes known as CBD, is a key ingredient in medical marijuana. Studies in humans have indicated that cannabidiol (CBD) has pharmacological qualities that mitigate nausea and vomiting, lessen the severity of seizures, and calm anxious minds.
Medical marijuana is a promising new option for those with panic disorder who are looking for a treatment that may be just as effective as standard pharmaceuticals for the disease, but without the harmful side effects that are so often associated with them.
How to Take Medical Marijuana Effectively for Panic Disorder
Some people who have used medicinal cannabis oil report that it has helped them manage their Panic Attack by allowing them to control how they react to stressful situations without negatively affecting their productivity or interpersonal connections. In most cases, a single dose of medical marijuana is sufficient to relieve Panic Attack, but due to the unpredictable nature of this disorder, many patients find they need to re-medicate throughout the day. That’s why they like the stealth and durability of medicinal cannabis oil.
Medicinal cannabis oil that is high in CBD is a safe alternative that won’t do you any harm. THC’s euphoric effects can be mitigated by CBD, and the compound’s significant anti-Panic Attack properties can help those suffering from a variety of panic disorders.
Inhaling vaporised, smoking, or ingesting extracts or flavours of medicinal marijuana is possible. More people are using Medicinal Cannabis orally, either through edibles or sublingual sprays.
Because these CBD products often don’t include psychoactive ingredients, they are a great option for anybody (including parents, children, elders, and professionals) who prefer to avoid getting “high.”
Traditional methods of receiving the benefits of Medicinal Marijuana include smoking raw flowers that have been cultivated to be high in THC, CBD, or both. However, newer methods of administration, such as vape cartridges and sublingual sprays, are preferred due to their lower negative health effects.
When and how to begin treating panic attacks with medical marijuana
Medicinal cannabis has shown promise as a therapy for panic disorder, which may cause a person’s life to spiral out of control. First, you should try to get an examination from a certified physician who is open to using medical marijuana in the treatment of your disease.
If they think medical marijuana may assist with your panic attacks, they will be able to make that call. Make sure you are familiar with the legislation in your state before beginning your investigation.
We know you might be curios to find out more information and discuss medicinal cannabis uses, or where to get legal medicinal cannabis products in Australia, or who is authorised to prescribe medicinal cannabis products to you, and we know lots of people are also worried about the use of medicinal cannabis.
For all these, schedule a consultation session today with our experts at Chronic Therapy to get professional advice about any medicinal cannabis product or medicinal use of the product to maximise your benefits from it.
More to read: Medical Cannabis for Social Anxiety Disorder: A Possible Treatment
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